Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (SZN) - European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC)

Naples, Italy

General information

SZN has extensive experience with collecting and maintaining model species and performing multi- disciplinary research on these organisms. Research services and scientific staff provide access to several marine model animals (e.g. Amphioxus and sea urchins). SZN offers access to an imaging platform for internal and external users. Expertise exists on site for molecular biology (high throughput sequencing, robotic sample handling, bioinformatics), flow cytometry, microinjection and in situ hybridization. Several research groups are working on developmental biology and genomics of amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum) and sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) as well as biochemistry and toxicology using the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus as model species. 

In the context of the first open cal of the CORBEL project, EMBRC offers access to marine animal models and different specialised imaging techniques available in the different facilities. The main action of the EMBRC within CORBEL though, is the developpement of a genomic and imaging database for three marine model organisms (Paracentrotus lividus, Clytia haemispherica and Branchiostoma lanceolata). This database will be accessible in the second semester 2018. During this open call users can already get familiar with the animals if they would be interested in working with them once the database is available.



Users have access to lab-space, to the marine model animals, various imaging techniques and logistic support by the service staff for the different platforms as agreed upon in a user-access contract between user and EMBRC-node. Access to two marine animal models: Paracentrotus lividus and Branchiostoma lanceolatum.


Technologies offered for the Open Call

- Paracentrotus lividus
- Branchiostoma lanceolatum
- Confocal microscopy 
- Wide field microscopy
- Full field video microscopy            
- 5D confocal microscopy
- Transmission electron microscopy             
- Scanning electron microscopy                       
- Environmental scanning electron microscopy
- Epifluorescence microscopy


Additional resources offered for the Open Call

- Technical assistance to run instruments
- Methodological setup (e.g. design of study protocol and standard operation procedures)
- Animal preparation
- Animal facilities
- Wet lab space
- Animal collection


Access modalities

On-site; user performs experiment (supported by staff).


Scientific and technical requirements

Planned experiments must be feasible and enough capacity of staff and needed equipment in the envisaged visit period are a prerequisite.



Scientific contact: Maria Ina Arnone 
Technical contact: Maria Ina Arnone 
