EMBL-EBI Non-vertebrate genomics
Hinxton, UK
General information
Ensembl Metazoa is an resource for genome-scale data from invertebrate species. The resource integrates, disseminates and provides tools for sequence data, and structural and functional annotation. Routes of access include a genome browser, Perl and RESTful APIs, and a data mining tool (BioMart).
Genome annotation and comparative genomics.
Technologies offered for the Open Call
- Database searching
- Automatic functional annotation
- Comparative genome analysis
Additional resources offered for the Open Call
- Assisting researchers to prepare data for inclusion in the resource (guidance on technologies,
submission routes and file formats)
Access modalities
Access is either remote or on-site. We are happy for people to visit and work with us to identify the data of interest to them. We can also do this remotely e.g by TCs. Alternatively, we can provide documentation on searching options. We anticipate there will be a move from working directly with users to users being able to conduct their own searches with time.
Scientific and technical requirements
Users are expected to generate their own data and have manpower availalable to act on advice given.
Scientific contact: Paul Kersey
Technical contact: Gareth Maslen