CORBEL Catalogue of Services

Why do we need a Catalogue of Services?

Currently there are 13 biological and medical sciences Research Infrastructures (RIs) in Europe, all of them working jointly together in CORBEL towards offering shared services for life-science.
All RIs offer services, i.e. researchers from academia and industry can access their facilities, technologies and expertise. Services can simply be consultation, access to experts, but also access to data and biological samples, use of data analysis tools, access to facilities (e.g. highly specialised microscopes) plus support from technicians and much more.

The CORBEL Catalogue of Services is the first tool to list the main services of all these RIs at a glance and it aims to facilitate the utilisation of RI services by researchers from all over the world.

The Catalogue of Services as displayed below aims to provide you a basic overview on existing services within distinct thematic fields.
You can either use the Catalogue of Services to identify a single RI to help you with your work or you can create your own CORBEL service pipelines, i.e. using several RIs subsequently.

Examples of service pipelines are provided here. 

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Contact person(s): Dr. Sonja Hansen, Prof. Gennaro Piccialli (Interim Coordinator), Anže Županic (ISBE.SI node), Alexey Kolodkin (ISBE.NL node)

ISBE empowers European researchers across academia, clinics and industry to implement systems biology approaches addressing how the dynamic interactions between biological components (molecules, cells, tissues, organs) leads to the functioning of living organisms. ISBE fosters project collaborations between experimental and computational teams, and with complementary research infrastructures. ISBE actively supports scientists in facilitating model-compliant data generation, making their research assets FAIR (i.e. findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) and creating predictive computational multi-scale models of biological systems based on integration of highly diverse data sets. In addition, ISBE will provide training for infrastructure users and providers to offer efficient services.

Services provided

Services offered by ISBE include

  • support to develop and exploit quantitative and predictive computational models to understand the functioning of complex biological systems
  • support in the acquisition of selected experimental data that are fit-for-modelling
  • model-based data integration and data analysis (e.g. cancer cell multiOMICS)
  • model analysis and validation
  • model-based simulation
  • support to implement tools and standards that make research assets FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) through the FAIRDOM organisation
  • training and education


The costs depend on the kind of service requested. All web-based services and simple advice by ISBE personnel is free; more extensive support is project based.
For further information please contact us.

Access modes

Access can be on-site or remote, depending on the kind of service requested.
For further information please contact us.

Why work with us

Systems biology is a branch of the life sciences that helps to obtain in-depth understanding through integrating multiple and diverse data sets in quantitative computational models. These models are able to predict the behaviour of biological systems based on experimental data about the interplay of molecules, cells and tissues in time and space. Validation and analysis of such predictions improve the model and gives insight into the interplay of system components in time and space. The success of this approach is illustrated with a number of examples.

Countries involved

Italy - ISBE Italy

Slovenia - ISBE Slovenia

Netherlands - ISBE@NL 

Please note: Most of the RIs are constantly developing their portfolio of services, so if you do not find the service/tool you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact the RI and ask for it!