How European Biological and Medical Sciences Research Infrastructures boost Innovation by Open Access

Brussels, 20 June 2017, 9:00 - 18:00

During this meeting is explored how the 11 Biological and Medical Sciences Research Infrastructures (BMS RIs) participating in CORBEL can stimulate innovation in Europe through providing open access to their key assets, such as resources, technologies, data and knowledge.
The Research Infrastructures are showcased and novel models of collaboration are discussed with representatives from industry.


Topics include:

  • How resources, technologies, data and knowledge provided by different RIs can address industries’ needs optimally
  • IP strategy in open innovation and new business models
  • What could be the contribution of Expert Centres, a novel model of public-private partnership, to open innovation?

Download the final meeting agenda here.


The presentations given at the meeting are available for download:

Welcome address - Niklas Blomberg (ELIXIR)

How European RIs can boos Open Science & Open Innovation - Kurt Zatloukal (BBMRI-ERIC)

Emerge of innovative systems biology: Infrastructure Systems Biology Europe (ISBE)
                                                                                                            - Alexey Kolodkin (ISBE)

EU-OPENSCREEN's impact on innovation - Katja Herzog (EU-OPENSCREEN)

Instruct: Innovation and Open Data - Ray Owens (Instruct)

The INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure - Michael Hagn (INFRAFRONTIER)

MIRRI - The Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure - Manuela Schüngel (MIRRI)

ECRIN - European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network - Serena Battaglia (ECRIN-ERIC)

ELIXIR Europe - Pablo Roman-Garcia (ELIXIR)

Euro-BioImaging - Antje Keppler (Euro-BioImaging)

EMBRC-ERIC: A platform for Innovation - Ilaria Nardello (EMBRC)

Open Targets: An Innovative Public-Private Partnership - Philippe Sanseau (GSK)

High Quality Clinical Samples: The Key for Reliable Diagnostics and Research
                                                                                                            - Uwe Oelmüller (Qiagen)

Innovation, Open Access, SMEs, Integration, Private Data - Liz Reynolds (General Bioinformatics)
Intellectual Property issues in Open Science, Pre-Competitive Research and Open
    Innovation - Nikolaus Zacherl (Lawyer)

EMA framework of collaboration with academia - Melanie Carr (European Medicines Agency)

European Open Science STI Policy - Antonio Di Giulio (EC, DG Research & Innovation)
EATRIS - European infrastructure for translational medicine - Nigel Wagstaff (EATRIS-ERIC)

BBMRI.NL - A story of Sharing - Eline Slagboom (BBMRI-ERIC)

Wrap Up - Markus Pasterk (BBMRI-ERIC)

Some impressions from the meeting...

Museum of Natural Sciences Brussels
A. Di Giulio (EC, DG Research)
S. Tille (Leica MS)
P. Sanseau (GSK)

U. Oelmüller (Qiagen)
M. Carr (EMA)
Panel discussion with S. Tille (Leica MS),
M. Chlebus (EFPIA), M. Carr (EMA),
N. Zacherl (Lawyer) [from left to right]