Enabling common solutions for user access


Providing access to resources and services that enable cutting-edge biomedical research is at the heart of each of the participating research infrastructures. WP5 aims to develop a common access framework that facilitates user access to services and resources across the involved RIs.
To achieve this, we assess the different modalities for providing access to samples and reagents, physical or virtual services, and data which have already been established or are in development in the different RIs, as well as the policy framework that affects access individually or across RI.

Based on the identified commonalities and on the shared services developed in WP3 and WP4, the solutions for datasharing of WP6, and the harmonised ELSI processes in WP7, we will develop ‘trans-RI’ access models. Testing these access models in the involved RIs and in the pilot services in WP3 and WP4 and integrating user feedback obtained at this stage allows to incrementally build up a framework for a coherent single access route to all RIs.