
This section contains some advice on the main aspects to consider when setting up collaborations. It is not an exhaustive treatment of the main types of agreements, since this can be found in many other sources, but it does attempt to introduce the overall context and the features, which need to be addressed.

Research collaboration requires detailed arrangements for who does what, who pays for what, and what rights and obligations apply. A good agreement will greatly increase the chance of successful technology transfer of benefit to the parties involved and to society in general. Although template agreements do exist for this it is almost invariably a tailor-made process. There are a number of useful sources of information on agreements, in particular licensing agreements, and we limit ourselves here to some of the main elements, and some relatively new concepts.

In this section, you will also find an introduction to Expert Centres, a new concept, which is being considered to streamline and simplify data sharing among large consortia. One of the CORBEL WP8 objectives is to develop an operational concept of Expert Centres for BMS RIs, and apply that concept to actual cases, which call for a more efficient exchange of data and resources between RIs and industry partners.