Quality Management in distributed Research Infrastructures
Quality Management enables organisations to deliver value by fulfilling the needs and expectations of relevant interested parties. Research infrastructures are user and service oriented organisations, hence quality management systems can help them to identify quality objectives and to identify the processes and resources required to meet them. Many of the relatively new European-level research infrastructures in the area of biomedical, social and environmental sciences, but also in other research disciplines, are organised as distributed research infrastructures. This brings about specific requirements and challenges when it comes to implementing quality management systems. This webinar will address some of these specific requirements and challenges. It will be a great introduction for people interested in attending the CORBEL Quality Management Exchange of Experience Workshop which will take place on June 18-19, 2018 in Freising, Germany, organised by the INFRAFRONTIER GmbH. Alternatively, the webinar is a stand-alone introduction to quality management with an emphasis on distributed Research Infrastructures.
CORBEL webinars include an audience Q&A session during which attendees can ask questions and make suggestions.
This webinar took place on 22 May 2018 and is part of the CORBEL webinar series. It is best viewed in full screen mode using Google Chrome. The slides from this webinar can be downloaded from SlideShare here.
About the speaker...

Dr. Michael Raess, biologist and research manager. After his PhD and a postdoc position in the field of behavioral physiology at Max-Planck he changed in 2008 to the Helmholtz Zentrum München as lead project manager for the INFRAFRONTIER Preparatory Phase and head of the INFRAFRONTIER Project Office. INFRAFRONTIER is the European Research Infrastructure for the development, phenotyping, archiving, and distribution of model mammalian genomes. In 2010 he received a MSc degree in „Science Communications and Marketing“ of the Technical University in Berlin. Since 2014 he is Head of General Management of the INFRAFRONTIER GmbH, the management and coordination unit of the INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure. Michael Raess is leading the WP5 - Common access solutions in the CORBEL project and is chairing the CORBEL Quality Management Expert Network.