BBMRI-ERIC Quality Management Services for basic and applied research on human specimens
Increasing demand and the use of high-quality samples, data and services place biobanks at the center of basic and applied research. The BBMRI-ERIC Quality Management Service (BBMRI.QM) is designed to help biobanks and researchers meet the highest quality standards for their research and meet the needs of their clients. This webinar will give you an insight into the service portfolio of BBMRI.QM and an overview of relevant European and international standards useful for research on human specimens.
CORBEL webinars include an audience Q&A session during which attendees can ask questions and make suggestions.
This webinar took place on 6 December 2018 and is part of the CORBEL webinar series. It is best viewed in full screen mode using Google Chrome. The slides from this webinar can be downloaded from SlideShare here.
About the speaker...

Since 2014, Andrea Wutte is leading BBMRI-ERIC Quality Management Service. The service includes QM consultancy programmes for biobank relevant standards and guidelines, monitoring and audit programmes, training and education formats, assessments and the initiation of improvement strategies, respectively actions and accompanying measures. Andrea holds a European Quality Manager and Lead Auditor EOQ personnel certificate. She acts as BBMRI-ERIC Liaison Officer to ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology and ISO/TC 212 Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems and CEN/TS 140 In vitro diagnostic medical devices. Andrea is a Biologist by training.