Marine Facility, EMBL

Heidelberg, Germany

General information

The marine facility at EMBL was orginally established to support EMBL scientists working with different aquatic organisms, both marine and freshwater ones. This newly renovated facility can offer numerous experimental setups, which allow to maintain different model organisms at the same time under varied conditions.



The marine facility can host different species, including all 3 species chosen for the Open Call of CORBEL. Amphioxus, sea urchin and also Clytia can maintained at the facility. Temperarture, light and salinity can be adjusted and even moon cycles can be reproduced.
Trained personnel can support users and help them finding tailored solutions for their model organism(s). Tank systems are controlled and run in parallel, so that epidemics cannot be transferred to the whole system. Also, food for the animals can be prepared in the adjacent lab.    


Technologies offered for the Open Call

- Sea urchin tanks (max. 100 animals)
- Clytia tanks (3 whole cycle tank systems)
- Amphioxus facility (max. 100 animals)
- Possibility to bring own animals or use those in the facility (upon agreement, when feasible)

Additional resources offered for the Open Call

- Lab space for sample preparation, also in collaboration with ALMF
- Seminar rooms
- Desk and bench space
- Technical assistance
- Logistic assistance
- Administrative support


Access modalities

On-site; users perfom experiments.


Scientific and technical requirements

Enough capacity to host the external user in terms of space, conditions and technical assistance are a prerequisite. Users have to agree in advance on the project implementation with the marine facility. Specifically, the user shall agree with the facility: i. if to use animals already in the facility or to bring own animals; ii. how many animals are required; iii. if experiments planned are feasible at the facility and do not interfere with daily regular operation. If experiments are in collaboration with ALMF, all prerequisites for the latter also need to be fullfilled.



Scientific contact: Detlev Arendt
Technical contact: Marzia Sidri