CORBEL Staff Exchange

Call for Participants

The CORBEL Staff Exchange aims to enable operational staff from the Research Infrastructures participating in CORBEL to enhance their expertise in data management, service provision, innovation and ethics by making short knowledge-exchange visits to other RIs that are noted for their excellence in this specific area.

New staff exchange opportunities coming soon, please stay tuned!




Past Staff Exchange Offers

Ethics and Legal Framework @ ECRIN-ERIC


Ethical and legal framework 


Paris, France
Proposed date                9-10 October 2017 OR 10-11 October 2017
Application deadline

23 September 2017
Please use this link for your online application.


Summary of the proposed staff exchange
Clinical trials are an essential step in evaluating the efficacy and safety of innovative treatments, exploring new indications for authorised drugs, and comparing the efficacy and safety of approved healthcare strategies.
International collaboration is important for clinical research, as it maximises the access to patients and leads to faster results and increase the applicability of research findings. However, national regulations and specific ethic requirements could be an obstacle; a comprehensive knowledge of the regulatory framework is therefore essential for the good implementation of a multinational study. In those trials, the data management is a major issue, and ECRIN develops a comprehensive policy to provide high quality services to multinational trial investigators and sponsors.
Transparency and access to research data is a key feature for research policies, impacting on data quality and robustness of results, and leading to optimal use of data generated by research projects. There are at least three levels of information in clinical trial reporting to ensure that decisions about health care are informed by all of the available evidence and reduce publication bias and selective reporting of outcomes:
1) clinical trial registration in publicly available registries
2) publication of trial’s results and methods
3) access to individual patient-level data 

Access to individual patient-level data would ensure data quality and robustness of analyses, improving the accuracy of estimates of benefits from a treatment and optimise the use of clinical trial data for reanalyses, secondary analyses, meta analyses (including class analyses on related compounds), pooling data to identify rare events, or subgroup analyses.
Various organisations have endorsed the principle of providing the scientific community with access to the patient-level data. ECRIN was a pioneer by requesting, in the criteria for acceptance of multinational trials by its scientific board.  

This training course will provide an overall knowledge about data protection law and regulation. Three modules will be proposed:
1) framework of data protection
2) how certification programme can improve the quality of data (generation and management)
3) the concept of data sharing (ethical issues, confidentiality, security and technical solutions for implementation)

Download the program for the Staff Exchange here.

Note: The Staff Exchange programs hosted by ECRIN and BBMRI will provide a complementary overview on sensitive data regulation, with a particular focus on clinical research (ECRIN) and ELSI (BBMRI, see below). In order to achieve the maximal learning success it is recommended to attend both programs.

Ethics and Legal Framework @ BBMRI-ERIC

TopicEthical and legal framework
The staff exchange will take place at the ECRIN office in Paris (France)!

Proposed date12-13 October 2017
Application deadline         23 September 2017
Please use this link for your online application.


Summary of the proposed staff exchange

The Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC) shall establish, operate and develop a pan-European distributed research infrastructure of biobanks and biomolecular resources in order to facilitate the access to resources as well as facilities and to support high quality biomolecular and medical research. BBMRI-ERIC operates on a non-economic basis. To date, BBMRI-ERIC consists of 19 Member States and one International Organisation, making it one of the largest research infrastructures for health research in Europe.

Within BBMRI-ERIC, the Common Services form a key element for the research infrastructure as they provide the biobanking community and biobank users with expertise, services and tools specific to biobanking. The Common Services are established under BBMRI-ERIC and under the responsibility of its Director General. A Common Service is managed by a director, appointed by the Director General after consultation with the national delegates of the hosting Member State.
Via its Common Service ELSI, BBMRI-ERIC provides support on ethical, legal and societal issues related to biobanking activities. Among other things, the ELSI-group is offering practical interpretation on new legislation. It also monitors relevant ethical and legal frameworks in development and communicates publications, research results, surveys, and informs about relevant meetings. BBMRI-ERIC Common Service ELSI is also setting up a federated Helpdesk. The vision and aim is to make the Helpdesk available, feasible, practical, usable, reliable, verifiable and sustainable. This Helpdesk will provide general information on topics that are crucial for biobanking, regarding for example informed consent, data protection and support on ethical questions. It will also offer customised help.
The Common Service ELSI is lead by a Board of Directors: Anne Cambon-Thomsen (coordinator), Marialuisa Lavitrano, Mats Hansson, and Jasper Bovenberg.  

The staff exchange will include experts from BBMRI-ERIC Common Service ELSI and is open to other ELSI experts from other BMS research infrastructures. The core team listed as applicants are responsible for the organisation of the staff exchange and will spend significant amounts of their time with the participants. The contribution of each expert will depend on their schedule and the specific needs of the participants.

Download the program for the Staff Exchange here.

Note: The Staff Exchange programs hosted by BBMRI and ECRIN will provide a complementary overview on sensitive data regulation, with a particular focus on ELSI (BBMRI) an clinical research (ECRIN, see above). In order to achieve the maximal learning success it is recommended to attend both programs.



User Relationship Management @ CCMAR [EMBRC]

TopicInteractions with users and user relationship management related to the CORBEL services and their target user community
Faro, Portugal
Proposed date                                       17-19 October 2017
Application deadline15 September 2017
Please use this link for your online application.


Summary of the proposed staff exchange

CCMAR - Centre of Marine Sciences is a non-profit research organization with the mission to promote research and education on processes in the marine environment, with emphasis on biological interactions and the sustainable use of resources. Research on bioresources include, among others, aquaculture (nutrition, reproduction, growth and development, epigenetics, new species and models), fisheries and conservation (fishing gear, habitat mapping and restoration, marine protected areas, monitoring, genetics and evolution, chemical ecology), biotechnology (bioactive compounds, biofuels, recombinant protein, new drugs, environmental technologies), oceanography and climate change (reconstruction of paleo-environments, ocean acidification, abiotic stress-driven evolution, speciation).
CCMAR main laboratories are located at the Gambelas Campus of the University of Algarve. Specialized research service platforms are available for discovery of bioactive compounds, imaging and “omics”. Aquaria for marine organism maintenance and experimentation are offered at the marine station 5 km from Campus. Research boats equipped with basic oceanographic equipment and ROV deployment supported by diving allows access to biological resources in the southern Portuguese estuaries and coast, some areas classified or with protected status.
CCMAR offers scientific services to internal and external users coordinated by a Liaison Officer with support from scientific, technical and administrative staff. 1) Access to ecosystems: intertidal and subtidal, estuaries, coastal lagoon and oceanic, by foot and boats, with diving support; 2) Biological resources: a range of aquaculture fish species can be provided, 3) Aquaria and tanks at Ramalhete Marine Station; 4) Labs and research services platforms: electrophysiology, fish and mammalian cell culture , analytical chemistry services; molecular biology, genomics and proteomics services; protein biochemistry and biosensor platform; bioinformatics platform (

“CORBEL Staff Exchanges” dedicated to operational staff is an important tool to improve Excellence and Standard Operational Procedures implementation in Research infrastructures (RI). CCMAR, as AQUAEXCEL2020 and EMBRC partner aims to exchange experiences and operational best practices among participants in User Access and Service Provision.

After the staff exchange, participants will be able to:
- Review challenges and explore opportunities on their organization with other perspective,
- Identify strengths and weaknesses in activities related with User Access and Service Provision
  in their organization
- Optimize Standard Operational Procedure´s for User Reception and integration into
  infrastructures, administrative and financial general procedures
- Improve dynamics, socialization and team building contacts between different areas regarding
  motivation for work in progress.

Download the program for the Staff Exchange here.